Tuesday, January 5, 2016

second semester goals

There are two major SMART goals that i want to accomplish for this semester. one SMART goal is to change the way I study for tests, quiz's, and exams. I will review my vodcast or talk to my teacher for any thing I am confused on and I will also review the check for understanding quiz's. 2 days before the test I will quiz myself. This might improve my skills for studying. It is important that I work on my studying skills because it will help me do better on tests. I plan on doing 30 mins for studying when I find out about a upcoming test. Another one of my SMART goals is to do better in PE. I will go to the gym every weekend and during the breaks. I will work on my muscles so i can do better on meting my minimum standards. I believe that this will improve my performance and my grade in PE. I will spend 30 to 45 mins at the gym when ever i have time to do so.

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