Wednesday, January 13, 2016

recombinant DNA lab conclution

first thing you do is, you locate the gene of interest, witch is then location and sequence of the gene including above and below in the bacteria. Second thing you do is, use the restricted enzymes to get the gene out, a restricted enzymes are enzymes that cut DNA whenever it reads a specific sequence. we used was Hin dIII because it is the only one that worked. Third thing you do is, you cut the plasmid  in one place that matches the restricted enzyme, be sure not to cut the plasmid in two please or the DNA that is going in will not fit. Fourth thing you do is cut two places that match the restricted enzymes in the DNA and take that cut off peace put it in between the cut in the plasmid. fifth thing you should do is, you let the ligase attach the two bases together. sixth thing you should does, use antibiotics to see if the plasmid has been taken into the host cell, but antibiotics as tetracycline, kanamycin, and ampicillin normally kill the host bacteria. This process is important to life because it can help cure deceases or  help insulin genes. Recomdinant DNA can be use for helping bacteria that is healthy for the body.

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