Saturday, January 23, 2016

unit 6 reflection

This unite was mainly about the biotech witch is the study and manipulation of living things(including their molecules, cells, tissues, or organs) in order to benefit mankind. the main theme was to see how cell, bacteria, and proteins react when added plasmid to them, witch could drastically change them sometimes in a good way but some times in a bad way. One of my set backs was trying to understand all of the fields of study that biotech can go with. Another thing that was a set back for me was writing down notes during the pGLO vodcast. One of my successes was being able to please the dye in the well of the gel. Another one of my successes was being able to make bacteria glow.

first we did the recombinant DNA lab. in this lab we learned how DNA is extracted by a restriction enzyme, then is added to a plasmid with a cut that can allow the DNA strand to fit in it. The second lab was the candy electrophoresis lab. in this lab we extracted the dye from candy and see if was the right color by putting it through the gel. the last lab we did was the pGLO lab. in this lab we added plasmids to bacteria to see if it would  make it glows.

there is some things I want to learn about like if adding a plasmid to bacteria can cause the bacteria to die, and can plasmids help cure despises. One of my unanswered questions id who discovered biotech? another is how many things can biotech contribute to? I am also wondering if biotech will continue to expand its field of study.

I have inproved on my goals a lot. I have been working out harder in PE, and also have tried harder to meet my minimum standers. I will continue to work hard in PE and will never stop in tell I reach my goals. I also have improved on my studying methods for tests and quizzes. I will continue to practice new studying methods in tell find one that suites me.

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