Saturday, January 23, 2016

unit 6 reflection

This unite was mainly about the biotech witch is the study and manipulation of living things(including their molecules, cells, tissues, or organs) in order to benefit mankind. the main theme was to see how cell, bacteria, and proteins react when added plasmid to them, witch could drastically change them sometimes in a good way but some times in a bad way. One of my set backs was trying to understand all of the fields of study that biotech can go with. Another thing that was a set back for me was writing down notes during the pGLO vodcast. One of my successes was being able to please the dye in the well of the gel. Another one of my successes was being able to make bacteria glow.

first we did the recombinant DNA lab. in this lab we learned how DNA is extracted by a restriction enzyme, then is added to a plasmid with a cut that can allow the DNA strand to fit in it. The second lab was the candy electrophoresis lab. in this lab we extracted the dye from candy and see if was the right color by putting it through the gel. the last lab we did was the pGLO lab. in this lab we added plasmids to bacteria to see if it would  make it glows.

there is some things I want to learn about like if adding a plasmid to bacteria can cause the bacteria to die, and can plasmids help cure despises. One of my unanswered questions id who discovered biotech? another is how many things can biotech contribute to? I am also wondering if biotech will continue to expand its field of study.

I have inproved on my goals a lot. I have been working out harder in PE, and also have tried harder to meet my minimum standers. I will continue to work hard in PE and will never stop in tell I reach my goals. I also have improved on my studying methods for tests and quizzes. I will continue to practice new studying methods in tell find one that suites me.

Friday, January 22, 2016

pGLO lab

pGLO Observations , Data Recording & Analysis
Obtain your team plates.  Observe your set of  “+pGLO” plates under room light and with UV light.  Record numbers of colonies and color of colonies. Fill in the table below.
Number of Colonies
Color of colonies under room light
Color of colonies under   UV light
0no colorno color 
- pGLO LB/amp
0no colorno color
+ pGLO LB/amp
1,000peach colorpeach color
+ pGLO LB/amp/ara
100,000peach colorflorescent green

What two new traits do your transformed bacteria have?
they have bigger colony's and one of them can glow
Estimate how many bacteria were in the 100 uL of bacteria that you spread on each plate. Explain your logic.

I estimate about 100-200 in each one because bacteria are about the size of a cell
What is the role of arabinose in the plates?
it allows the bacteria to grow under UV lights.
List and briefly explain three current uses for GFP (green fluorescent protein) in research or applied science.
Fusion tag: observes the activity of the protein
active indicator: see how proteins change to its environment
in FERT: to observe the energy transfer
Give an example of another application of genetic engineering.
to see if GFP have any effects an animals.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

candy elecrophoresis lab

From the pictures below you can see that some dyes do separated over time like the blue and dark red dyes. Also the dyes did not change colors will moving. I believe that the Betanin (beetroot red) is a structure of one of the dyes we used in our lab because it looks like the dark red dye on the far right. Dog food manufacturers put artificial food colors in dog food because it might help keep the dog healthy. the two factors that control the distance of the colored dye solution migrate are the negative and positive charges in the gel, and it also helps them move through the gel. the electrical charge causes molecules to move depending on their charge and the gel slows down bigger molecules relative to smaller molecules. they will separate from smallest to biggest with the smallest being farther ahead than the biggest.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

recombinant DNA lab conclution

first thing you do is, you locate the gene of interest, witch is then location and sequence of the gene including above and below in the bacteria. Second thing you do is, use the restricted enzymes to get the gene out, a restricted enzymes are enzymes that cut DNA whenever it reads a specific sequence. we used was Hin dIII because it is the only one that worked. Third thing you do is, you cut the plasmid  in one place that matches the restricted enzyme, be sure not to cut the plasmid in two please or the DNA that is going in will not fit. Fourth thing you do is cut two places that match the restricted enzymes in the DNA and take that cut off peace put it in between the cut in the plasmid. fifth thing you should do is, you let the ligase attach the two bases together. sixth thing you should does, use antibiotics to see if the plasmid has been taken into the host cell, but antibiotics as tetracycline, kanamycin, and ampicillin normally kill the host bacteria. This process is important to life because it can help cure deceases or  help insulin genes. Recomdinant DNA can be use for helping bacteria that is healthy for the body.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

second semester goals

There are two major SMART goals that i want to accomplish for this semester. one SMART goal is to change the way I study for tests, quiz's, and exams. I will review my vodcast or talk to my teacher for any thing I am confused on and I will also review the check for understanding quiz's. 2 days before the test I will quiz myself. This might improve my skills for studying. It is important that I work on my studying skills because it will help me do better on tests. I plan on doing 30 mins for studying when I find out about a upcoming test. Another one of my SMART goals is to do better in PE. I will go to the gym every weekend and during the breaks. I will work on my muscles so i can do better on meting my minimum standards. I believe that this will improve my performance and my grade in PE. I will spend 30 to 45 mins at the gym when ever i have time to do so.