Thursday, May 5, 2016

unit 9 reflecion

This unite was mostly about how life on earth evolved to what it is today. Some of the essential understandings were how and why things evolved foe example Many years ago whales used to be predators, have legs, and could walk on land. Another example is How we classify organisms based on there evolution. This is also shown in well detail in my what on earth evolved presentation. During my presentation i spoke nice and slow  so i thought it went well. I could have memorized it more because I looked down at my google slides a little. In the future we are going to be doing a ted talk and i can use my skills i used in this presentation to show the class all about it.

I want to learn "how long did it take for fish to evolve legs?". I also want to learn" What dose the common ancestor of all organisms looks like?". The one unanswered question is "Why did humans evolved to become the dominant race?".I wonder if something could have evolved to become the dominant race on Earth.

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