Monday, May 2, 2016

the fish that lives inside us all

After watching the movie "Your inner fish" i have come to understand how we are all related to fish. Because all living thing did come form fish who crawled on land, it is natural to think that we have a common ancestry with fish. During this video We follow a scientist on a journey to fined out how we are related to fish, he studied Fossils, worked at dig sites, and compare human and fish bones. First he looked for the traits that fish made to become mammals. Then he looked for the traits that made mammals into humans. One of the questions were should focus on is "What is one defining piece of human anatomy that seems remote from fish?  How did scientists show that this piece of human anatomy has its origin in ancestral fish?" . Because fish were the fist animals to have a internal skeletal system. Another question we should focus on is "1.      Even though we don’t look much like fish what are some things that we have in common with fish?  How does this give evidence for common ancestry?". because fish and humans both have teeth, back bones, a stomach, etc. this all shows how close we are to fish. 

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