Thursday, May 26, 2016

pig dissection lab p4 g4

I beleive the main perpous of this lab was to help us under stand how the body works and how all of it's internal and external organs work. The dissection cam be related to how we learned about all of the body's systems like the immune system, and the digestive system. I did not enjoy one signal part of this lad at all because seeing the insides of that pig was the disgusting thing I have ever seen. I bevies that this was one of the most unpleasant thing I had to experience.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

20 time final blog post

The wind jet MK 10 was one of the best things i ever did, but it is time to conclude my 20 time project. If you missed what my project was about click here. Also joy the video of our presentation

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

20 time reflection

I challenged myself by creating a new windmill. I chose this challenge because i wanted to help create a way to make more energy for the economy. I had to improve my design many times and i did reequip help form my partner Elise. With our new windmill design the wind jet MK 10 it will produce more energy at a faster rate. So far it is going very well we have had problems with designs and where we would place it, but they were fixed quickly. Right now i am organizing our info on a google slides. I learned how the wind is used to create energy for cites and towns. I i had the chances to do this problem again i would test all of my wind mill designs to see what worked and what failed. Next i will be making a the scripted on what we are going to say for the TED talk.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

unit 9 reflecion

This unite was mostly about how life on earth evolved to what it is today. Some of the essential understandings were how and why things evolved foe example Many years ago whales used to be predators, have legs, and could walk on land. Another example is How we classify organisms based on there evolution. This is also shown in well detail in my what on earth evolved presentation. During my presentation i spoke nice and slow  so i thought it went well. I could have memorized it more because I looked down at my google slides a little. In the future we are going to be doing a ted talk and i can use my skills i used in this presentation to show the class all about it.

I want to learn "how long did it take for fish to evolve legs?". I also want to learn" What dose the common ancestor of all organisms looks like?". The one unanswered question is "Why did humans evolved to become the dominant race?".I wonder if something could have evolved to become the dominant race on Earth.

Monday, May 2, 2016

the fish that lives inside us all

After watching the movie "Your inner fish" i have come to understand how we are all related to fish. Because all living thing did come form fish who crawled on land, it is natural to think that we have a common ancestry with fish. During this video We follow a scientist on a journey to fined out how we are related to fish, he studied Fossils, worked at dig sites, and compare human and fish bones. First he looked for the traits that fish made to become mammals. Then he looked for the traits that made mammals into humans. One of the questions were should focus on is "What is one defining piece of human anatomy that seems remote from fish?  How did scientists show that this piece of human anatomy has its origin in ancestral fish?" . Because fish were the fist animals to have a internal skeletal system. Another question we should focus on is "1.      Even though we don’t look much like fish what are some things that we have in common with fish?  How does this give evidence for common ancestry?". because fish and humans both have teeth, back bones, a stomach, etc. this all shows how close we are to fish.