Tuesday, March 15, 2016

hunger games lad conclusion

  1.  In this lab we birds with different beaks trying to survive and reproduces. We were trying to simulate natural selection
  2. The phenotype that was best at capturing food was the pinchers because we had the highest population in the end
  3. The population of mostly evolved in to Pinchers. This happened because Most of the Pinchers survived and were able to reproduce.
  4. In this lab the food placement was random, what was not random was the feeding area.
  5. I believe that if the food was larger or smaller it would have made a difference. It would have probably given the stumpys a better chance at surviving. I can relate this to how an ecosystem can loss food sources as easily as it gains food sources.
  6. Yes there would be a change if there was not incomplete dominance because the stumpys would not have died.
  7. the relationship between Natural selection and evolution is that we were able to mate freely and our offspring was given a new trait or the trait of a different birds. 
  8. The groups adapted the ability to collect large amounts of food to survive. The species that had the most food would have gotten to pass down their alleles to their offspring. i can relate this to how Squeals collect food for the winter to ensurer there survival.
  9. In evolution the alleles of the population change so that the population can survive. Natural selection acts as a phenotype because it pass alleles from perent to offspring.
  10. Pic of the graph is at the top

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