Wednesday, March 23, 2016

unit 8 reflection

During this unit we went into a deep description about evolution and how it effects different organisms. The main theme for this unit was about how we have evolve and how little time we have existed in Earths history. I have learned a lot of info about evolution like how birds developed specials beaks to get food in the bird beak lab. I have also learned that the birds with better beaks can reproduces and pass on their traits to their offspring in the hunger games lab. But out of all I learned how there was nothing more interesting Then in the Geographic Time line lab when I found out how old the earth really is. One of my unanswered questions is "Why was the Earth formed in the first please?" Another unanswered question is "How do we know the universe formed this way?" One of the things I wonder about is Why I don't have a pet tyrannosaurus Rex. After the movie I decided to be more opened minded and I will work on being more loss and less serious.

Monday, March 21, 2016

time line reflection

One of the major events in earths history was the first land plant, this was very important because is showed the first signs of life on land. A second major event in earth's history was the time of the dinosaurs, this was very important because it was  a time of massive biodiversity. Another major even was the ice age, this was important because this was when the world was covered in ice. the scale of earth history is bigger than the planet itself, and what real surprised me was how old the world is. To me its mind blowing that the amount of time we have been on earth is century's compared to use, but it is only a small fraction of the earth history. I only have one question"Why was the Earth made in the first place?"

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Coming soon the windjet MK 10

During our 20 time me and Elias have relived that making a new wind mill design isn't as easy as we thought it would be. We have also learn about our self's, witch is that Elias is great at finding info and I am good at putting it together. We have had many setback on trying to find the right design for our project. We were able to handle it very well when we made the wind jet MK 10. Next Elias will find info on the resent windmill design and I will organized so that we can use it to benefit our design. Our project will help our community produce more energy from the wind.

hunger games lad conclusion

  1.  In this lab we birds with different beaks trying to survive and reproduces. We were trying to simulate natural selection
  2. The phenotype that was best at capturing food was the pinchers because we had the highest population in the end
  3. The population of mostly evolved in to Pinchers. This happened because Most of the Pinchers survived and were able to reproduce.
  4. In this lab the food placement was random, what was not random was the feeding area.
  5. I believe that if the food was larger or smaller it would have made a difference. It would have probably given the stumpys a better chance at surviving. I can relate this to how an ecosystem can loss food sources as easily as it gains food sources.
  6. Yes there would be a change if there was not incomplete dominance because the stumpys would not have died.
  7. the relationship between Natural selection and evolution is that we were able to mate freely and our offspring was given a new trait or the trait of a different birds. 
  8. The groups adapted the ability to collect large amounts of food to survive. The species that had the most food would have gotten to pass down their alleles to their offspring. i can relate this to how Squeals collect food for the winter to ensurer there survival.
  9. In evolution the alleles of the population change so that the population can survive. Natural selection acts as a phenotype because it pass alleles from perent to offspring.
  10. Pic of the graph is at the top

Friday, March 4, 2016

bird beak lab analyses

1.These 2 graphs show how much food i got and how many offspring i had.

2. My fits hypothesis was "If my offspring have a tweezers beak then they will survive" my evidence is that the tweezers beak was able to pick up most of the food. my second hypothesis " If the population have tweezers beak then we will survive" my evidence is that the tweezers beak allows the population to feed more.

3. I believe the the tweezers beak will help you survive because it can easy pic up food. The more food you get the higher your chances are to survive.