Thursday, October 1, 2015

egg Macromolecules conclusion

In this lab we we asked the question "Can macromolecules be identified in an egg cell?". We found out that mixing the egg membrane, egg white, and egg yolk with different chemicals. Our qualitative data shows how the color changed into new colors. Our quantitative data shows how much the color has changed, which tells use if they have macromolecules in them. This data supports our claim because of how the chemicals reacted to the egg membrane, white, and yolk.

Our data was unexpected because our egg exploded and the egg white and egg yolk got mixed together. This was very hard because the results of the yolk and egg white test were unexpected. You can blame my partner for that, but I am not going to say any names. For this lab I recommend you cut open the egg very carefully or you will end up like my group. I also recommend that you make sure you can tell the color after you added the chemicals, so you can get an accurate answer.

This lab was done to demonstrate to see if macromolecules were in egg cells. From this lab I learned that many macromolecules can be found in egg cells, which helps me understand the concept of analyzing cells. Based on my experience from this lab can help me if I want to find how many macromolecules are in a plant cell.

The egg membrane has polysaccharide and proteins. I know this because they reacted and changed color. The chemical that were added to test tube with the membrane caused the change of color. The egg white has lipids, proteins, and monosaccharide. I know this because they reacted and changed colors. the chemicals that were added to the test tube with the egg white caused the change in color. The egg yolk as lipids. I know this because they reacted and changed colors. the chemical that were added to the test tube with the egg yolk caused the change in color.

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