Monday, October 19, 2015

unite 3 reflection

During this unit we learned about cells. This unite tout us the understanding of the cell's history, functions, and other important cells. I had many strengths during this unit, because the cell is very easy to understand. I didn't really have any weaknesses at all, and i didn't have any setbacks. Many of the topics were very easy to understand. I learned how to carry out the instructions for the labs without falter. Through the experiences i learned how chromosomes help the cell make energy. I want to learn more about how cells make new cells, and how they fight off infections.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

egg deffution lab

In this lab we were asked "How and why dose a cell's internal environment change, as it's external environment changes"?First we measured the mass and the circumference. Then we put one egg in DI water and one in sugar water. Then after a while we measured the mass and the circumference. Finally we filled in our table.

When the sugar concentration increased the mass and circumference decreased because the water moved from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell. the sugar caused the change. By making the water move from low concentration inside the cell to high concentration outside the cell. 

 The internal environment changes, as it's external environment changes through passive diffusion. They changed this way because the water inside the egg left and dissolved the sugar, which caused the internal and  external environments to change.

This lad demonstrates how a solution is formed by a solute and a solvent. It also demonstrates how diffusion effects the cell by making it bigger through hypertonic, and how they get smaller through hpnotonic.

What we learned in this lab can apply to everyday life. Vegetables are sprinkled with water at markets because then the water get absorbed into their cells by passing through the cell membrane. Roads are sometimes salted to melt ice because the salt makes the ice dissolve it and then it flows off the road. Then the salt water makes the plants on the side of the road die.

Based on this experiment, I would want to test how long it took for different eggs to shrivel up in sugar water.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

egg Macromolecules conclusion

In this lab we we asked the question "Can macromolecules be identified in an egg cell?". We found out that mixing the egg membrane, egg white, and egg yolk with different chemicals. Our qualitative data shows how the color changed into new colors. Our quantitative data shows how much the color has changed, which tells use if they have macromolecules in them. This data supports our claim because of how the chemicals reacted to the egg membrane, white, and yolk.

Our data was unexpected because our egg exploded and the egg white and egg yolk got mixed together. This was very hard because the results of the yolk and egg white test were unexpected. You can blame my partner for that, but I am not going to say any names. For this lab I recommend you cut open the egg very carefully or you will end up like my group. I also recommend that you make sure you can tell the color after you added the chemicals, so you can get an accurate answer.

This lab was done to demonstrate to see if macromolecules were in egg cells. From this lab I learned that many macromolecules can be found in egg cells, which helps me understand the concept of analyzing cells. Based on my experience from this lab can help me if I want to find how many macromolecules are in a plant cell.

The egg membrane has polysaccharide and proteins. I know this because they reacted and changed color. The chemical that were added to test tube with the membrane caused the change of color. The egg white has lipids, proteins, and monosaccharide. I know this because they reacted and changed colors. the chemicals that were added to the test tube with the egg white caused the change in color. The egg yolk as lipids. I know this because they reacted and changed colors. the chemical that were added to the test tube with the egg yolk caused the change in color.