Monday, September 21, 2015

cheese lab

In this lab we were asked “ what are the conditions and curdling agents for making cheese?” We found that there are many different conditions to make milk curdle. the quantitative data shows us how long it took to curdle from 5 min to 33 min and the chymosin and rennin had many different way to curdle, but buttermilk only had one way. The buttermilk curdled in 20 min with the milk and lemonade. This can be related to current scientific ideas by trying to find a way to make different cheese. This data supports our claim because it goes about with finding different curdling ways too.

Our data was unexpected because the milk took so long to curdle. It took 15 min for the acid tube to curdle. The base and control did not finish in time. I recommend wearing lots of clothing when you put the test tubes of milk in your arm bit. I also recommend you leave them in there for a long time so that they can curdle.

This lab was done to demonstrate how milk is curdled. From this lab I learned how there is many ways to make cheese, which helps me understand the concept of how different cheeses are made. Based on my experience from this lab I can know how they make so many different cheeses.

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