Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unite 5 reflection

This Unite was about how mutations in the DNA can be harmful and harmless. Mutations can cause changes in the DNA like deletion, substitution, and insertion. Some changes can have from no effect at all to super and dangerous changes. My Strengths in this unit was being able to transcribe and translate mutated DNA. My weakness was writing done the exact same DNA code but with one little change to it. I was very successful in seeing and writing down what had change and if it cause any major changes. What set me back was wondering if the mutation would lead to a deceases or not.
 During the experiments that we have had I've learned that mutations can cause great changes and sometimes little changes, it all depends on where the mutation takes place. I also have learned how to easily translate and transcribe DNA in to an amino acid. The best thing I have learned is the many different kinds of mutations that can effect the DNA. I what to learn more about the different kinds of mutation and see if there is any other kinds of mutations out there. One of my unanswered questions is "Can you stop a mutation and if so how?". I wounder if one of these mutations can give you super powers

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

protein synthesis lab conclusion

There are 5 steps to make a protein. Step 1: DNA info transfers to the RNA. Step 2: mRNA leaves the nucleus. Step 3: mRNA arrives at ribosome. Step 4: ribosomes reads mRND by 1 codon at a time. Step 5: When reading is done that codons would have made an amino acid.
mRNA to protein.gif (629×328)

The mutation with the greatest effect was the deletion of T it caused the ribosome to stop making the amino acid. The mutation with the least effect was the substitution T to C it caused on changes at all. If T was near the binning of the sequence it would have changed the outcome dramatically and crate a completely different protein.
mutation.jpg (2048×1536)

I choice deletion in step 7 because I thought it would cause the greatest mutation. Like most of the mutations it had some kind of effect on the amino acid. It does matter where the mutation occurs because depending on where it is it might cause a big change or a small change.
300px-Deletion_vectorized.svg.png (300×468)
Mutations can affect your life by changing a protein  in the a broken or damaged protein and can cause you to get a disease or cancer even. Insertion is a mutation where a one letter is added to the mRNA. This can cause the amino acid to have an extra letter at the end. Depending on where the letter is added it could change the entire amino acid into a completely different one.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

DNA extraction lab conclusion

During this lab we asked the question "How can DNA be separated from cheek cells in order to study it?" We found out that after scraping  our cheeks with our teeth we sued a Gatorade solution to separate the DNA from the cheek cells. Our data shows that when alcohol is added to a mixture of Gatorade, soap, and enzymes the DNA gets extracted and floats to the top. This could be related to DNA vodcasts during unite 5. This data supports our claim because it shows how we extracted the DNA and what solution we used.
Our data contradicts the expected results because we had to put the procedure in the correct order our selfies. We were able to get the right order for the lab but it could have failed if we did the order of the procedure wrong. Getting the order of the procedure wrong could result in something different or nothing happens. I recommend that you read the parts of the procedure carefully to help you put them in the right order. I also recommend that you bring in fruit so you can extract the fruits DNA instead of yours.
This lab was to demonstrated how DNA is extracted from the cheek cells. From this lab I learned how to correctly extract DNA from the cheek which helps me understand the concept of DNA extraction and examination. Based on my experience from this lab I could extract the DNA from a fruit.