Friday, November 20, 2015

Unit 4 reflrction

During this unit we talked about genetics and how cells divide. We also learned how a punnett square can predict the possible traits an offspring will have. My strength was how to use a punnett square and how to list the phenotype of the result ex: AA = brown hair and aa = blond hair. My weakness was understanding how Heterozygous and homozygous fitted in with the results. During this experience I learned how chromosomes divide during the cell cycle and how dominant traits overpower recessive traits. I have also experienced how complicated it can be and how hard it is to understand. When I was doing my info graphic I realized how complex the study of genetics is, and how you can transfer that info to make it easier to understand. I what to learn more about how disorders and diseases can be inherited by the offspring and if they can be stop. I also want to learn how cancer can be created if there is a mistake in the cell cycle. I prefer having the info spoken to me and explained as well. I find that this helps me understand what I am learning a lot better. My results some what surprised me I did not thing I would get that kind of answer. I always listen to the speaker and I sometimes ask questions on things I don't understand. For my test I review my notes and I ask questions if needed, and I some times rewrite old questions and answer them.

1 comment:

  1. What were you're results? Why did it surprise you? Is what you're doing really playing to your learning strengths?
