Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Windjet MK 10 update

During my research we have learned how wink mills are build and how they collect energy. We have also learned that we are great at gathering and organizing info. So far we have not had any setbacks and we are handling really well. Our next step is to finish organizing our info and make it into a speech. I can use what I have learned to help our community get more energy with the wind jet MK 10.

Friday, April 15, 2016

sea sponge blog post

A sea sponge is The world's most simplest multi-cellular organisms. The sponge's classification is "Porifera' which literally means "pore-bearing," and refers to the numerous little openings seen on all sponges. Sponges can grow into many different shapes, sizes, and colors. There is over 5,000 different kinds of sponges in the ocean. The first thing i learned about sponges id that they suck water in that shoot it out of the top, and any plankton that gets sucked in don't come out. The second thing I learned about was that they are animal and not plants. The third thing I learned about was that Sea Sponges have few predators other than sea turtles, and fish because some produce toxins. The final thing I learned was  Some deep-water sponges can live to be over 200 years old. I can relate this to the vodcast on invertebrates. I can also relate this to earth science in middle school.